Sunday, June 27, 2010

Its Been a While...

Wow... it has been a while since Dr. Ciacco or Myself have posted anything due the fact that work has been... 3 buckets of CRAZY.... yes 3. We still have been sketching but have had no time to post... so during a break in the waves of chaos I am putting some stuff up!

coffee: without it, gravity becomes stronger.

a sketch from Bel Square Mall

Sadie Crashed out in the Car seat waiting for momma at the craft store.

Bell square mall: A great place for a nap.

A sketch from the Brief Encounter Cafe.

Dr. Ciacco drawing a barista and muttering to himself...

...he penned the thought bubble...

P.S. At RUN Studios, we brought on a new intern, Andy Musser.
Here is his web site
His Stuff is Awesome. And he does a sweet Gilbert Godfrey impersonation.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Face Book Face

Face book Face: distant cousin of Guitar Face, Math Face,
VCR programming Face and Masturbation Face.
Dr. Ciacco held this face very nicely an hour straight
while updating his status and poking his friends
during Deep Facebook Navigation